Magnesium |
Physiological Roles
Tissue Distribution of Mg
Metabolism, Absorption, and Excretion of Mg
- Necessary for photosynthesis as a component of chlorophyll. Photosynthesis is the process by which light energy is converted into chemical energy within green plants
- The process depends upon chlorophyll within the chloroplasts
- Chlorophylls are Mg prophryins with Mg making up about 2.7% of their molecular weight
- Mg stabilizes the structure so it undergoes perfectly reversible one-electron oxidations
- The Mg ion is oxidized in the process of the photochemical reaction
- Energy of the photons is captured in the form of high energy electrons
- The electrons are passed stepwise down an energy gradient in a structured membrane
- The membrane is held together with the coordinating properties of the Mg atom
- The energy of the electrons is used to produce ATP, which together with reduced incotinamide adenine dinucleotide (HADH), drives the formation of carbohydrate from CO2 and H2O
6CO2 + 6H2O + 18ATP + 12HADH ® C6H2O6 + 18ADP + 18Pi + 12NAD + 6O2
- Necessary for oxidative phosphorylation which releases stored energy in the mitochondrial membrane of both plant and animal cells
- Stored energy is released by oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondrial membrane of both plant and animal cells
- The primary function of all mitochondria is to couple phosphorylation to oxidation
- ATP, the main fuel of life, is produced in oxidative phosphorylation
- All enzyme reactions known to be catalyzed by ATP have an absolute requirement for Mg
- A simple list of enzymatic processes requiring Mg2+ ions would fill many pages. Required for activation of enzymes needed for protein synthesis
- RNA polymerases which allow DNA to be copied by the messenger. (See section 4 first)
- Aminoacyl transfer RNA synthetases which permit amino acid fixation on the corresponding t-RNA
- The elongation factor of the polypeptide chain which allows the binding of aminoacyl t-RNA at the receptor site of a ribosome on m-RNA complex
- Ribsomal peptidyltransferases which allow the formation of the peptide
- Mg and growth
- At the cellular level, divalent cations (Ca2+ and Mg2+) are required for the individual animal cells to adhere to one another
- The net surface charge is negative for most cells
- Positively charged divalent cations reduce repellent forces of these negative charges sufficient for adhesion to occur
- At the subcellular level, sections of the chromosomes in the nucleus are held together by Ca and Mg
- At the molecular level, Mg is necessary for protein synthesis
- The physical integrity of the DNA helix appears to be dependent on Mg2+
- Mg2+ ion decreases the number DNA replication errors
- Mg2+ ion stimulates DNA repair
- Most of the known enzymes involved in repairing DNA lesions are dependent on Mg2+ at varying degrees
- Mg may thus by important in reducing occurrence of neoplasms
- The physical size of the RNA aggregate is controlled by the concentration of Mg
- At the cellular level, divalent cations (Ca2+ and Mg2+) are required for the individual animal cells to adhere to one another
- Required by immunological process. Magnesium, immunity, and allergy: Mg is required for several steps of immunological reactions
- Lymphoblastic transformation, a prerequisite of secretion of antibodies by lymphoblasts, requires Ca2+ and Mg2+
- Mg is required for synthesis of proteins, immunoglobulins included
- Antibody-induced complement activation is Mg dependent
- The antigen-immunoglobulin-complement reaction induces degranulation of the mastocyte
- The degranulated mastocyte releases various substances, mainly histimine
- Ca2+ and Mg2+ competition appears to regulate secretion of histamine by the mastocytes
- Ca2+ ion stimulates secretion of histamine
- Mg2+ ion inhibits the secretion
- Disorders in immunity and allergy-like symptoms have been described in Mg deficiency
- Required for control of muscular contraction
- Excitation-contraction coupling is dependent on competition between Ca2+ and Mg2+ on cellular receptors
- The calcium pump of the sarcoplasmic reticulum is Mg-dependent
- Leakage of Ca from the sarcoplasmic reticulum pumps, inducing the contraction of the muscle fibrils, seems to be responsible for tetanic seizures of Mg deficiency
- In the cardiovascular system, Mg is active in both the vessels and on the heart (J. Am. Coll. Nutr. 5:521-532, 1986)
- It reduces ateriolar tone and thus decreases vascular resistance
- It protects the heart against arrythmia
- Mg controls Na and K metabolism since Na+ - K+ATPase is Mg2+
- Mg contributes to structural integrity of bone
- In summary, functions of Mg hinge on two main properties
- Enzyme activation
- Competition with Ca2+ in excitation-secretion coupling processes
- Mg content of human body ranges between 300 and 400 mg/kg body weight
- 60% is in bone
- 29% is in muscle
- 10% is in other soft tissues
- 1% is in extracellular fluid
- Serum Mg remains close to 1.7 mEq/liter
- Approximately one-third is bound non-specifically to plasma proteins
- The remaining 65%, which is ionized, appears to be the biologically active compound
- The ratio of bound to unbound Mg is also remarkably constant
- Mg content of erythrocyte varies from 4.4 and 6.0 mEq/liter
- Similarity of Mg to other elements:
- Mg shares some of the attributes of Ca in aspects of its absorption and its storage in bone
- It is similar to K in being an important intracellular constituent
- It resembles Na in the efficiency with which the normal kidney retains the ion when serum levels fall
- A deficiency of Mg affects metabolism of each of the other three ions in some manner
III. Metabolism, Absorption, and Excretion of Mg
- Monogastric animals
- Site of Mg absorption. Conflicting results for site of Mg absorption have been reported depending on procedure
- Distal intestinal tract (J. Lab. Clin. Med. 63:71, 1964). Measured by recovery of 28Mg in carcass and urine after injection in different intestinal locations
- Over 70% of total Mg absorption was from the colon
- Endogenous excretion appeared to be the reverse of absorption with most of the loss occurring in the proximal intestine
- Proximal small intestine. Measured by decrease in Mg content of solution perfusing different intestinal segments (Digestive Diseases 23:1, 1978)
– Absorption of Mg was greater from the proximal intestine.
- Distal intestinal tract (J. Lab. Clin. Med. 63:71, 1964). Measured by recovery of 28Mg in carcass and urine after injection in different intestinal locations
- Site of Mg absorption. Conflicting results for site of Mg absorption have been reported depending on procedure
- Mechanism of Mg absorption
- Mg and other alkaline earth ions appear to share a common pathway with Ca to some extent
- Duodenal segments that transport Ca2+ also transport Mg2+ and Sn2+ but rates of absorption between the various ions vary in different areas of the intestine (Clin. Chem. 9:734, 1963)
- A common mechanism for transporting Ca and Mg across the intestinal wall and renal tubule has been suggested (Clin. Sci. 22:185, 1962)
- In the GI tract, Ca absorption is increased in the absence of Mg; in the absence of Ca, Mg absorption is increased
- In Mg deficiency, urinary excretion of Ca is decreased due to increased tubular resorption of Ca
- Vitamin D increases net absorption of Mg but to a lesser degree than for Ca (Clin. Sci. 57:121, 1979)
- No single factor appears to play a dominant role in absorption of Mg as does vitamin D for Ca.
- Transport by solvent drag (Am. J. Physiol. 227:334. 1974).
- Magnitude and direction of water movement influence Mg transport in the rat intestine
- Substances that generate bulk water flow stimulate Mg transport
- Mg concentration in the water transported approaches that of simple bulk flow
- Transport by solvent drag (Am. J. Physiol. 227:334. 1974).
- Some Mg may diffuse passively into epithelial cells
- Concentration of ionic Mg in digesta at the absorption site may control amount of Mg absorbed in a given time
- Mg and other alkaline earth ions appear to share a common pathway with Ca to some extent
- Ruminant animals
- Sites of absorption (p. 107 in Role of Magnesium in Animal Nutrition, 1983)
- The forestomach region is the primary site of Mg absorption in ruminants
- There is net secretion of Mg into the small intestine
- The colon is a secondary site of Mg absorption
- Mg absorption from the rumen is mediated by an active transport mechanism (Res. Vet. Sci. 24:161, 1978)
- Net flux of Mg takes place against an electrical gradient
- Mg absorption is saturable at Mg concentrations above 5mM
- Mg absorption is markedly reduced by addition of ouabain
- Ouabain inhibits Na+ - K+ ATPases
- An ATPase may be involved in Mg transfer across rumen epithelium
- Sites of absorption (p. 107 in Role of Magnesium in Animal Nutrition, 1983)
- Homeostatic Control of Mg
- Fecal excretion of Mg varies inversely with Mg intake. (see section 2d on page 82)
- The kidney efficiently retains Mg when serum levels fall
- Renal threshold for Mg is near 1.6 mg/dl plasma Mg (Am. J. Physiol. 222:1469, 1972)
- Gastrointestinal mechanisms of Mg transport are not very efficient with ordinary levels of intake
- There does not appear to be an efficient hormonal homeostatic mechanism for regulating serum Mg
- PTH mobilizes bone salts but causes little or no rise in plasma Mg in normal rats, dogs, or man
- Vitamin D can intensify Mg deficiency (due to a greater competition by Ca?) (Cardiovascular Med. 3:637, 1978)
- Calcitonin causes hypocalcemia but no significant change in serum Mg.
- The renal threshold is presumably the critical factor in determining the serum Mg level
- Interactions with other elements
- Calcium and Mg
- Mg deficiency reduces responsiveness of Ca to physiological amounts of Vitamin D (Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 125:472, 1967)
- Mg deficient animals also become hypocalcemic
- Mg and Ca appear to share a common transport mechanism in the intestine and renal tubule. (Mg and Ca compete for absorption sites.)
- Ca absorption is increased in the absence of Mg
- Mg absorption is increased int he absence of Ca
- Net absorption of Ca was reduced from 61% in Mg deficient calves to 42% when supplemental Mg was given (Nature 191:181-182. 1961)
- Potassium and Magnesium
- Mg deficient animals may also become hypokalemic
- Reduction in Na+ - K+ ATPase?
- Elevated aldosterone? (Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 168:382, 1981)
– Increased urinary K leading to decreased plasma K
– Micropuncture analysis shows kaliuresis was due to increased K entry along the distal tubule consistent with the site of action of aldosterone
– Aldosterone was elevated
- K reduces absorption of Mg by ruminants (Aust. J. Agric. Res. 27:873. 1976; J. Anim. Sci. 61:1219. 1985)
- Ruminal infusion of K depresses Mg absorption
- Infusion of K at other sites has no effect
- Excess K also reduces plasma Mg by mechanisms other than reduction of Mg absorption
- Supplemental K enhances clearance of intravenously infused Mg from plasma (J. Anim. Sci. 41:1134, 1975)
– Urinary Mg excretion accounted for clearance of IV Mg challenge in control sheep; when sheep were fed high dietary K (4%), urinary clearance accounted for only 80% of the Mg challenge
– K may have increased cellular uptake of Mg
- Supplemental K enhances clearance of intravenously infused Mg from plasma (J. Anim. Sci. 41:1134, 1975)
- Mg deficient animals may also become hypokalemic
- Mg and Zn
- Calves fed high levels of Mg (.7 - 1.15%) excreted less Zn and retained more Zn in tissues (J. Dairy Sci. 63:457. 1980)
- The effect of high dietary Mg on Zn metabolism appears to be systemic in tissues
- Calves fed high levels of Mg (.7 - 1.15%) excreted less Zn and retained more Zn in tissues (J. Dairy Sci. 63:457. 1980)
- Tricarballylic acid, a nonmetablizable rumen fermentation product of transaconitic acid, led to depletion of Mg and other cations in rats. It could be a contributing factor in the etiology of grass tetany in ruminants. (J. Nutr. 118:183-188. 1988)
- Calcium and Mg
- Mg requirements
Ruminants ppm in diet DM Beef cattle
Growing & finishing
Lactating cows
Breeding bulls
1800Dairy cattle
Baby calves
Growing heifers & bulls
Dry, pregnant cows
Lactating cows
2000Sheep, all classes 400- 800 Nonruminants ppm in diet DM Poultry
Starting chicks (0-8 wks)
Growing chicks (8-18 wks)
Laying hens
Growing & finishing
Mature Maintenance
900Humans Meq/kg/d mg/kg/d Infants 0.8-1.6 9.7-19.5 Young children 1.0 12.2 Adults
Pregnant women
4-4.25 (280-300 mg for 70 kg)
6.1 - Sources of Mg
- Highly purified foods (sugars, starches, soft drinks, alcohol) contain negligible Mg
- Cows milk contains a moderate amount of Mg but its high P and Ca content adversely affects Mg utilization
- Whole grains, dried beans, and green vegetables are good sources of Mg
- Concentrates are generally higher in Mg than are roughages
- There is a high degree of variability in forages presumably due to soil availability
- Legumes are generally higher in Mg than grasses
- Supplemental Mg (MgO, Mg aspartate hydrochloride) may be necessary to maintain Mg balance on some diets
- Deficiency of Mg
- Two types of Mg deficiency occur in cattle
- Calves given an all-milk diet or otherwise fed insufficient Mg until body stores are depleted
- Grass tetany. Predominantly in lactating cows
- A problem in lactating cows grazing highly fertilized pasture during cool seasons
– Cattle have relatively little readily mobilizable Mg reserves
– Maintenance of extracellular Mg is crucial
– Extracellular Mg is replenished primarily by absorption from the digestive tract.
– Any interruption of Mg absorption can permit plasma Mg to fall to critically Iow levels in a short time - Grass tetany usually develops before there is a material depletion of Mg stores
- Several factors can interrupt Mg supply
– Low Mg content in forages
– Depression of Mg absorption by high K content of rapidly growing early spring forage
– Reduced solubility of forage Mg can delay absorption of Mg
- A problem in lactating cows grazing highly fertilized pasture during cool seasons
- c. Clinical symptoms of Mg deficiency in ruminants. Symptoms of grass tetany are similar to those of Mg depletion in calves
- Reduced appetite
- Greatly increased excitability
- Calcification of soft tissue
- Convulsions, animal falls on side with legs alternately relaxed and rigidly extended
- Death often occurs during the convulsions
- Post mortem findings
- Pinpoint hemorrhages on surface of lung, liver and heart
- Inflated, hemorrhagic lungs
- Myocardial infarction
- Constriction of air passages in lungs and contraction of small blood vessels
- Evidence of platelet activation
- Two types of Mg deficiency occur in cattle
- Mg Excess
- Livestock
- Toxicosis due to infestation of natural feedstuffs is extremely unlikely
- Mg is toxic when administered at high levels
- Signs of Mg toxicity
- Lethargy
- Disturbance in locomotion
- Diarrhea
- Reduced feed intake and performance
- Death
- Humans
- Causes of Mg intoxication
- Renal insufficiency
- Large doses of MgSO4 administered in eclampsia
- Infants born to mothers who have had MgSO4 treatment for eclampsia
- Use of Mg-containing antacids (especially in patients with renal failure)
- Signs of Mg intoxication
- Excess Mg appears to block neuromuscular transmission due to diminution of endplate potential.
– Hypocalcemia
– Decreased deep tendon reflexes
– Respiratory paralysis
– Heart block
- Excess Mg appears to block neuromuscular transmission due to diminution of endplate potential.
- Causes of Mg intoxication
- Maximum tolerable levels of Mg
- Poultry and swine 0.3%
- Cattle and sheep 0.5%
- Livestock
- Shattock, M. J., D. J. Hearse, and C. H. Try. 1987. The ionic basis of the anti-ischemic and anti-arrhythmic properties of magnesium in the heart. J. Am. Col. Nutr. 6:27-33
- Flink, E. B. 1985. Magnesium deficiency in human subjects - A personal historical perspective. J. Am. Col. Nutr. 4:17-31
- Standig-Lindberg, G., eta., 1987. Changes in serum magnesium concentration after strenuous exercise. J. Am. Col. Nutr. 6:35-40
- Rayssaquier, y. and E. Gueux. 1986. Magnesium and lipids in cardiovascular disease. J. Am. Col. Nutr. 5:507-519
- Fort, P. and F. Lifshitz. 1986. Magnesium status in children with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. J. Am. Col. Nutr. 5:69-78
- Dychner, T., D. Hallberg, E. Hultman, and P. O. Wester. 1982. Magnesium deficiency following jejunoileal bypass operation for obesity. J. Am. Col. Nutr. 1:239
- Berthelot, A., and J. Esposito. 1983. Effects of dietary magnesium or the development of hypertension in the spontaneously hypertensive rat. J. Am. Col. Nutr. 2:343-353
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