Trace Elements
Molybdenum |
Physiological Role
Distribution in Tissues
Absorption and Excretion
Homeostatic Control
Interactions with Other Elements
Dietary Source
Mo Toxicity
- Mo is biologically active in a number of dependent enzymes. Mo5 + and Mo6 + are biologically most important since their reduction potential is appropriate for flavine interactions
- Xanthine oxidase acts on xanthines and purines to produce uric acid
- Purines may be converted to uric acid for excretion
- Purines may be directed into a "salvage pathway" for purine nucleotide biosynthesis
- Xanthine oxidase is found in animal tissues, ruminant milk, (See Emory, T. F. 1991. iron and your health. CRC Press), microorganisms
- Molecular weight 300,000, one mole contains 2 moles of Mo, 8 moles of Fe, and 2 moles of flavin adenine dinucleolide (FAD)
- Riboflavin reacting with fiavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)
- FMN then reacts with ATP to produce FAD and Pi
- Xanthine dehydrogenase and xanthine oxide may be two interconvertible forms of the same enzyme (See Oxygen radicals and tissue injury, UpJohn Symposium 1988, p. 65)
- Aldehyde oxidase
- As the name implies, oxidizes RCHO and RCOOH. May be involved in detoxification of potentially harmful xenobiotics (see J. Nutr. 119:221. 1989)
- Found in animal tissues and microorganisms
- Deficiency of molybdenum cofactor, an organic Mo compound, impaired activities of xanthine dehydrogenase and sulfite oxidase (Clinical biochemistry 23:537. 1990)
- Sulfite oxidase catalyzes formation of SO4 from SO3
- Catalyzes formation of SO4 from SO3 to detoxify sulfite. This is the terminal step of sulfur amino acid metabolism
- Found in animal tissues
- Nitrate reductase
- Found in plants and microorganisms
- Reduces NO3- to NO2-
- Nitrogenase or molybdoferredoxin
- Found in plants and microorganisms
- Catalyzes formation of NH3 from N2
- As a component of the above enzymes, Molybdenum is required for growth, growth regulation(?) (Fed. Proc. 42:817, abst 3076, 1983), cellular oxidation, purine metabolism and is possibly involved in Fe metabolism
- Xanthine oxidase acts on xanthines and purines to produce uric acid
- Blood levels of Mo vary sharply with intake
- Relative order of Mo concentrations in various tissues differ in sheep and cattle
- Tissue MO content increases with increasing MO intake
- In the normal dietary range (1-5 ppm Mo) differences in Mo concentrations in milk cannot be detected
- Mo content in milk responds directly to increases in Mo intake at higher levels
- Mo absorption by swine is rapid and high (J. Nutr. 84:367, 1964)
- 80-90% is excreted in urine
- Fecal excretion is very low
- Mo absorption by ruminants is slow and much lower than for swine
- 2-10% is excreted in urine
- Fecal excretion may exceed 95%
- When the rumen is bypassed, the excretion pattern more nearly resembles that of swine
- Mo is absorbed from the gastric stomach, small intestine, and large intestine
- In ruminants, Mo is secreted into the rumen (J. Anim. Sci. 34:846, 1972)
- Although Mo is not absorbed from the rumen, its absorption lower in the digestive tract is reduced by passage through the rumen
- Homeostatic control of Mo appears to be limited
- Blood Mo concentrations increase with intake
- Increases in Mo excretion with increasing intake are limited
V. Interactions with Other Elements
- Cu-Mo-SO4 in ruminants has been discussed under copper
- The site of the Cu-Mo interaction appears to be the rumen
- Neither Cu nor Mo appear to be absorbed from the rumen, but formation of an insoluble complex there may inhibit absorption of both elements from the intestines
- When feed Mo is < 0.2 ppm, Cu toxicity is more likely
- When feed Mo is > 7 ppm, Cu deficiency may occur
- Cu-Mo antagonism can be circumvented when dietary Mo is high by parenteral administration of Cu
- Subcutaneous injection
- Continuous infusion
- Cu-Mo antagonism can be circumvented when dietary Mo is high by parenteral administration of Cu
- High dietary levels of either sulfur or molybdenum may increase excretion of the other
- Sulfate and Mo may compete for sites on a common membrane transport system
- Mo can inhibit reduction of sulfate to sulfite
- Under some conditions, Mo may decrease the amount of sulfide formed in the rumen, thereby increasing Cu availability to the animals
- Conversely, inhibitory effect of Mo on sulfide production can be decreased by formation of a nonavailable complex of Mo with Cu
- Inorganic sulfate enhances the effect of Mo in limiting Cu-storage in the liver
- Zn and Mn may reduce availability of Mo in poultry diets
- Tungston is antagonistic to Mo
- Poultry, approximately 5 ppm
- Corresponds to 0.15 ppm biologically available Mo
- Addition of 1-2 ppm Mo as Na molybdate is recommended in the event it is ever approved by FDA
- Pushing for maximum growth with diets containing high levels of protein, Cu, antibiotics, Mn and Zn may create a mineral imbalance of sorts with Mo being the first micro element to become limiting
- Swine - the requirement level has not been defined
- Cattle and Sheep - the requirement level has not been defined.
- Naturally growing herbage usually reflects Mo content of the soil
- Animal by product meals are usually poor sources of Mo since the liver and kidneys are usually not included
- Mo content of the soybean is largely unavailable to poultry
- Poultry (pp. 43-44 in 1978 Ga. Nutr. Conf.)
- Suspected when a response to addition of Mo in the diet is seen:
- Improved growth
- Increased xanthine dehydrogenase activity in liver and intestine
- Chicks responded to supplemental Mo when fed a Iow Zn diet containing isolated soy protein
- No response when the diet contained vitamin-free casein as the protein source
- No response when a soy protein diet contained high Zn
- Mo supplementation of breeding stock has improved fertility and hatchability of eggs
- Pseudo clubbed down in breeders characterized by poor hatchability and weak chicks with classical symptoms of riboflavin deficiency-which do not respond to extra riboflavin.
- Both riboflavin and Mo are essential components of several enzymes, notably, xanthine oxidase (mol. wt. 300,000; contains 2 moles of flavine adenine dinucleotide, 2 moles of Mo, and 8 moles of Fe per mole)
- Suspected when a response to addition of Mo in the diet is seen:
- Rats - Mo deficiency cannot be induced simply by omitting Mo from purified diets
- Tungsten, a competitive antagonist of Mo in vivo, prevents the uptake and utilization of Mo. (J. Nutr. 114:1652. 1984)
- Mo deficiency results in accumulation of Fe in the liver
- Fe accumulation seen in Mo-deficient animals only when adequate Fe (24 ppm) was fed
- No accumulation of Fe was detected in rats fed diets with 6 or 12 ppm Fe
- Accumulation of Fe was seen only with virtually complete inhibition of xanthine oxidase activity
- Inhibition of xanthine oxidase by only 60% did not cause accumulation, of Fe in the liver
- Ruminants - Mo might be considered as deficient if it is so low that Cu toxicity results
- Relative tolerance to Mo is cattle (50-100 ppm) < sheep < poultry (200-500 ppm) rodents < horses < swine (1,000 ppm) = humans
- Cattle are more tolerant to inorganic Mo (up to 50 ppm) than to Mo found in vegetation (5 ppm when Cu is low)
- The major symptoms of chronic Mo toxicity in ruminants are those of Cu deficiency with diarrhea being especially prominent
- Occurrence of severe acute Mo poisoning can be practically excluded due to refusal of poisoned feed
- Contrasting responses of ruminants and nonruminants to Mo-Cu antagonism are probably related to the influence of the rumen
- Molybdenosis is a potential problem in ruminants grazing on coal mine spoils (J. Range Management 31:34. 1978)
Trace Elements
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