Trace Elements
Fluorine |
Physiological Role of F
Estimated safe and adequate daily dietary intake (ESADDI)
Sources of F
Deficiency of F
Toxicity of F
I. Physiological Role of F (See J Nutr. 26:2355, 1996)
- No one has yet produced an environment so low in F that animal survival has been vitally threatened
- Trace quantities appear to be beneficial
- Development of caries resistance
- Inhibition of excessive demineralization of bone in the aged
- F may have a role interrelated with absorption or utilization of some other nutrient
- Apparent beneficial responses to F in some studies may have been pharmacological effects correcting some dietary imbalance or deficiency
- Absorption is high and largely passive
- Homeostatic regulation
- Excretion in urine
- Deposition in bone
- Over 90% of F in the body is in bones and teeth
- F is incorporated into hydroxyapatite to form fluorapatite
- F cannot be removed without resorption of the apatite unit
- Most soft tissues do not accumulate much F, even during high intakes
III. Estimated safe and adequate daily dietary intake (ESADDI)
- Fluoride was given as ESADDI because of its beneficial effects in reducing dental cavities rather than because of any clear cut evidence of essentiality
- ESADDI in mg/day:
- Infants................0.01-1.0
- Children..............0.5-2.5
- Adolescents.......1.5-2.5
- Adults.................1.5-4.0
- Seafoods (5-10 ug/g)
- Tea (100 ug/g)
- Cereal and other grains (1-3 ug/g)
- Fluoridated drinking water
- Rock phosphate
V. Deficiency of F has not been clearly demonstrated
- Toxicity can occur as a result of:
- Drinking water naturally high in F
- Deposition of industrial fumes or dusts on pasture for grazing livestock
- Use of high F mineral supplements
- Animal byproducts containing bone
- Symptoms of F toxicity
- Chronic toxicity
- Anorexia
- Unthriftiness
- Dry hair and thick, nonpliable skin - mottled teeth, excessive tooth wear -skeletal damage, lameness
- Acute toxicity (relatively rare)
- Restlessness, stiffness, anorexia, weakness, severe depression
- Excessive salivation, nausea, vomiting, urinary and fecal incontinence, necrosis of gastrointestinal mucosa
- Clonic convulsions, cardiac failure
- Chronic toxicity
Trace Elements
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