Trace Elements
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Selenium | ![]() |
Physiological Role of Se
Tissue Distribution of Se
Absorption and Metabolism of Se
Interaction of Se with Other Elements
Se Requirements
Se Deficiency
Se Toxicity
- Se-dependent glutathione peroxidase - catalyzes breakdown of hydrogen peroxide and organic hyperoxides with glutathione serving as the hydrogen donor
ROOH + 2GSH® ROH + HOH + GSSG- Purified enzyme has a Se content of 0.34%, equivalent to 4 g atoms of Se per mole of enzyme. GSH-Px activity decreases with Se deficiency
- GSH-Px is highly specific for the donor substrate glutathione
- Glutathione S-transferases also have GSH-Px activity
- They are non Se-dependent
- They break down organic hydroperoxides but not H202
- Glutathione S-transferase activity increases with Se deficiency
- Se-dependent glutathion peroxidase may help regulate mitochondrial substrate oxidation (Eur. J. Biochem. 84:337. 1978)
- Oxidation of pyriuvate in Se adequate mitochondria decreased when hydroperoxide was being metabolized by Se-dependent GSH-Px
- No decrease in pyruvate oxidation was found when Se deficient mitochondria were used
- Se may be necessary for proper function of the cytochrome P-450 system
- Induction of the cytochrome P-450 system increases the Se requirement (Poultry Sci. 54:1152. 1975; J. Nutr. 102:857. 1972)
- Male rats are more susceptible than female rats to Se deficiency
- There is also a sex difference in the activity of MFO enzymes in rats
- Feminization of male rats by castration or injection of estrogen makes them more resistant to Se deficiency
- Masculinization of female rats by administration of testosterone makes them more susceptible to Se deficiency
- Phenobarbital also makes female rats more susceptible to Se deficiency
- Treatments that increase or decrease the susceptibility of rats to Se deficiency also increase or decrease activity of MFO enzyme system
- MFO system may play a role in the requirement of animals for Se
- In some lipophilic compounds containing S, the S is readily oxidized by the MFO enzyme system
- It is possible some biologically active form of Se is converted to an inactive oxidized form by MFO enzymes
- Se deficiency impairs induction of cytochrome P-450 by phenobarbital (Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 170:124, 1975)
- Severe Se deficiency causes a decrease in hepatic cytochrome P-450 (J. Environ. Pathol. Toxicol. 2:1127. 1979)
- Se in the diet is necessary for maintenance of rat small intestinal mucosal cytochrome P-450 levels. (Pharmacologist 23:179, 1981)
- Biochemical function underlying support of cytochrome P-450 levels by Se has not been identified
- Se deficiency increases hepatic microsomal heine oxygenase activity, indicating catabolism of heme (Heme is the prosthetic group of cytochrome P-450)
- A defect in heme synthesis was not found. (Biochem J. 168:105. 1977)
- Phenobarbital administration increases both synthesis and catabolism of heme in Se-deficient liver. (J. Biol. Chem. 253:6203, 1978)
- In control liver, phenobarbital stimulates heme synthesis but it diminishes heme catabolism
- Effect of phenobarbital on cytochrome P-450 in Se deficiency
- Hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 consists of:
- NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase (also known as NADPH-cytochrome C reductase because it is usually assayed with cytochrome C as the substrate)
- A family of hemoproteins, the cytochrome P-450's
- It can be induced by certain xenobiotics such as phenobartibal
- A given xenobiotic characteristically affects certain forms of cytochrome P-450
- Cytochrome P-450 system is important for detoxifying xenobiotics or converting them to more easily excreted forms
- Phenobarbital induces synthesis of heme to be used primarily in the assembly of cytochrome P-450
- In control animals heme and apocytochrome P-450 are produced and assembled. Little heme is catabolized
- In Se deficient animals, the heme is produced but not efficiently assembled with the apoprotein
– Consequently, less cytochrome P-450 is produced
– Excess heme is thus present in the hepatocyte
– Excess heme induces the catabolic enzyme microsomal heme oxygenase
– The enzyme disposes of the excess heme
- Hepatic microsomal cytochrome P-450 consists of:
- Se does not exert its effect on cytochrome P-450 through Se-dependent GSH-Px
- Injection of Se into a deficient rat corrects the abnormality in heme metabolism within 12 hr (J. Biol. Chem. 253:6203, 1978)
- There is no detectable recovery of GSH-Px within 12 hr after injection of Se into a Se-deficient rat
- The abnormality in heme metabolism in Se deficiency suggests there is an undiscovered function of Se
- A sheep muscle cytochrome contains Se (Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 53:1031, 1973)
- Induction of the cytochrome P-450 system increases the Se requirement (Poultry Sci. 54:1152. 1975; J. Nutr. 102:857. 1972)
- Se is a constituent of sperm
- Se is essential for spermatogenesis (Biol. Reprod. 8'625, 1973)
- Se is present in the protein of the capsule surrounding the sperm mitochondria and may have a structural function (Gamete Res. 4:139, 1981)
- Selenoprotein P has been purified and quantitated in rat plasma but its function is unknown (J. Nutr. 119:1010, 1989)
- The concentration of selenoprotein P in plasma is directly dependent on dietary Se up to 0.1 ppm
- Selenoprotein P responds to slightly lower dietary Se intake than does glutathione peroxidase activity
- A Se supplement of 0.02 ppm
- Supported selenoprotein concentration 48% of control
- Plasma GSH-Px activity was only 12% of control
- Liver cytosolic GSH-Px activity was only 1% of control
- A Se supplement of 0.02 ppm
- Measurement of seloprotein P concentration provides a new assessment of Se status
- Thyroxine 5¢ deiodinase (See J. Nutr. 125:864. 1995)
(See J. Anim. Sci. 65:1712, 1987; J. Nutr. 119:1146, 1989)
- Concentration of Se in blood is variable, depending on dietary intake
- 75% of ovine red cell Se is in glutathione peroxidase (Biochemistry 13>1825. 1974)
- Most of the Se in human plasma is in the a- and b- globulins (Clin. Chem. Acta 16:311. 1967.)
- Human blood Se levels are usually near 20 mg/dl
- Low blood Se levels seem to be associated with Iow plasma levels with no fall in cell Se
- Blood Se is reduced with some kinds of cancer
- Organs levels of Se
- Kidney and liver have highest concentrations
- Cardiac muscle contains appreciably more Se than skeletal muscle
- Intestinal and lung tissues can be relatively high
- Nerve and adipose tissue are low
III. Absorption and Metabolism of Se
- Percent of Se intake absorbed
- Rat: > 90% (Trace Elements in Human Health and Disease II. 1976)
- Human: 44-70% (Trace Elements in Human Health and Disease I1. 1976)
- Swine: 72-75% (J. Anim. Sci. 61:173. 1985)
Supplemental Se (ppm) 31 to 35 d on diet 0 0.3 0.5 1.0 Se intake (mg)
Fecal Se (mg)
Urinary Se (mg)
Se retention (mg)
Se retention (%)
Apparent Se absorption (%)66
75.1 - Dairy Cows: 28-48% (J. Dairy Sci. 67:219. 1984)
- Sheep: 40%(J. Nutr. 119:1146, 1989)
- Excretion of Se
- Urine is primary route in monogastric animals
- Feces is primary route in ruminants
- 59.4% (From J. Nutr. 119:1146, 1989)
- Before rumen function develops, young ruminants excrete more Se in urine and less in feces than older animals
- Se administered IV or sub Q is generally excreted to a greater extent in urine and less in feces
- Amount of Se excreted in bile is small (~ 2%).
- When large quantities of Se are ingested, some is lost in breath as dimethyl selenide
- Se metabolism by rumen microbes
- Se content of' rumen microbes in sheep exceeds daily dietary Se by 46-fold (DM basis), 11-fold (N basis), or 26-fold (S basis)
- Incorporation of 75Se by rumen microbes is inversely proportional to previous dietary intake by host animal
- Once Se has been incorporated into microbial cells, its availability to the host animal appears to be low
- Most of the Se excreted in feces is inorganic and insoluble in water or organic solvents
- Ruminant animals could contribute to a loss of Se from the Se cycle
- Se deficiency is becoming more of a problem in heavily grazed areas
- Maternal-fetal interrelationships of Se and vitamin E
- Selenium (J. Nutri. 119:1128-1137, 1989)
- Placental transfer of vitamin E in the bovine is inefficient so prepartal maternal supplementation provides minimal protection of the neonate from vitamin E deficiency (J. Nutr. 119:1156-1164, 1989)
IV. Interaction of Se with Other Elements
- Se and vitamin E have a sparing effect on each other
- Both vitamin E and Se-dependent GSH-Px guard against accumulation of organic hydroperoxides but by different mechanisms:
- Vitamin E prevents formation of these highly toxic products
- Glutathione peroxidase converts them to the less harmful alcohols
- Vitamin E is metabolized more rapidly in Se-deficient rats than in controls (J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol 23:273, 1977)
- A combination of both is more effective in prevention of white muscle disease than either alone
- Both vitamin E and Se-dependent GSH-Px guard against accumulation of organic hydroperoxides but by different mechanisms:
- Se and sulfur: Increased S can reduce Se status
- Increased sulfur intake may increase incidence of white muscle disease
- Sheep fed a Iow-S diet (0.07%) maintain higher levels of Se in plasma and wool than when the diet contains 0.2% S
- Arsenic protects against Se toxicity by increasing bile excretion of Se
- Se-Zn interaction (see J. Nutr. 119:916, 1989)
- Se had an antagonistic effect on Zn absorption by Zn-depleted rats
- Zn had an antagonistic effect on Se absorption by Zn adequate rats
- Cadmium and mercury
- When Se is excessive, Cd and Hg reduce its toxicity
- Se reduces toxicity of Hg and Cd
- Inorganic mercury and methylmercury more severly affect Se-deficient animals than controls
- Liver cysteine concentration is lower in the Se deficient rat than in the control
- Presumably because cysteine is used in the synthesis of the markedly accelerated GSH synthesis
- The decrease in cysteine concentration could impair metallothionein synthesis
- This could reduce mercury sequestration and lead to increased toxicity
- Mercury metabolism may lead to oxidative stress either by inactivating protective enzymes or by producing free radicals (Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 355:212, 1980)
- Liver cysteine concentration is lower in the Se deficient rat than in the control
- Se and vitamin B6 (J. Nutr. 119:1962-1972, 1989)
- Se-methionine is a major form of Se in plant tissues
- In animal tissues, Se is incorporated into specific selenoproteins (including GSH-Px) as Se cysteine
- Conversion of methionine to cysteine by the transulfuration pathway requires pyridoxal-5'-phosphate
- If Se methionine is converted to Se cysteine by the same pathway, a deficiency of vitamin B6 would inhibit utilization of Se methionine for synthesis of GSH-Px and other specific Se cysteine-containing proteins
- Erythrocyte levels of Se and GSH-Px were lower in vitamin B6-deficient rats than in control rats
- Tissue retention of 75Se provided as Se methionine was increased in vitamin B6 deficient rats
- The proportion of 75Se retained in muscle and liver as Se cysteine was reduced
- These findings suggest the conversion of Se methionine to a form available
for GSH-Px synthesis is reduced by vitamin B6 deficiency
(See Ulrey, D.E. 1987. Biochemical and physiological indicators of selenium status in animals. J. Anim. Sci. 65:1712-1726)
- Safe and adequate intakes for humans
- Infants 0-0.5 yrs........10-40 mg/day
- Infants 0.5-1 yrs........20-60 mg/day
- Children I-3 yrs.........20-80 mg/day
- Children 4-6 yrs........30-120 mg/day
- Others......................40-200 mg/day
- Domestic ruminants.........0.1 - 0.2 ppm diet DM
- Swine and poultry.............0.1 ppm
- Se deficiency in humans: Keshan disease in parts of China
- Myocardial necrosis with varying degrees of cell infiltration and fibrosis
- Myocardial necrosis in similar to mulberry heart disease in swine
- Leg muscles also degenerate in some patients
- Mostly school age children only in certain areas are affected
- Morbidity is about 1% in affected areas and approximately half of the victims die
- Disease is not responsive to conventional medical treatments but can be prevented with adequate Se
- Muscular dystrophy
- Occurs in chicks, pigs, foals, calves and lambs
- Occurs primarily between 3-4 wk of age in lambs and 4-6 wk of age in calves, but up to several months of age may be affected
- Characterized by degeneration of Striated muscle and cardiac muscle
- Affected muscles may have elevated levels of several minerals
- Superoxide dismutase activity is low in very young lambs. This may contribute to the higher incidence of white muscle disease. (see J. Nutr. 114:1909, 1984)
- Exudative diathesis in chicks
- Edema on the breast, wing and neck
- Abnormal permeability of capillary walls allows fluid to accumulate
- Prevented by either vitamin E or Se
- High correlation between plasma GSH-Px and ability of Se to prevent exudative diathesis
- Pancreatic fibrosis in chicks
- Atrophy of the pancrease
- Associated with impaired absorption of lipid and vitamin E
- Reduced GSH-Px in pancreas
- Can be prevented only by Se
- Liver necrosis in pigs and rats
- Mulberry heart disease in pigs (similar to Keshan disease in humans)
- Reproductive disorders
- Reduced egg production and hatchability in hens
- Reduced litter size and increased pig mortality in swine.
- Reduced ova fertilization rate and increased embryonic death in sheep
- Increased incidence of retained placentas and cystic ovaries in dairy cows
- High instances of retained placenta have been observed in dairy herds in areas with a history of white muscle disease
- Unexplained placental retention is not always due to inadequate Se (high instances have been reported in Nebraska and South Dakota)
- Effectiveness of Se, vitamin E or both has not been consistent in different investigations
- Se-dependent GSH-Px may be effective only if other components of the system for protecting against lipid peroxidation are intact
- Accumulator plants
- Most plants accumulate < 30 ppm of Se but 5 ppm or more of Se is potentially toxic
- Accumulator plants may accumulate up to 1% (10,000 ppm) Se
- Indicator plants require Se for growth
- Called indicator plants because their presence identifies Se-bearing soils
- These plants synthesize organic Se compounds from forms of Se in the soil which are unavailable to other plants
- When these plants die, they release Se in forms available to other plants
- Secondary Se accumulators
- Do not require Se for growth but are able to accumulate Se
- Indicator plants require Se for growth
- Se accumulator plants are less palatable when Se content is high, so sheep or cattle usually discriminate against them unless forced to consume them
- Acute Se toxicity - ingestion of a sufficient quantity of seleniferous we will produce severe symptoms (8-16 g/kg BW of plant material containing 400-800 ppm of Se may be fatal to sheep)
- Staggering gait, stands with lowered head and drooped ears
- Elevated body temperature
- Diarrhea
- Weak, rapid pulse, labored respiration
- Prostration and death
- Chronic Se toxicity - consumption of feeds containing 5-40 ppm Se over a period of weeks or months
- Lameness
- Sloughing of hooves
- Loss of hair
- Emaciation
- Dullness
- Damage to liver and brain
- Treated in India by feeding excess sulfur
- The difference between a 0.1 to 0.3 ppm Se requirement and a potentially harmful level of 2 to 5 ppm may seem narrow, but:
- Toxic levels are 10-50 times greater than Se requirements
- This range is much wider than the difference between requirements and toxic amounts of Cu for sheep
Trace Elements
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